Friday, February 6, 2009

What's happening!

I'm now working on my latest novel Until Shore and it's going pretty well. Characters are mostly alive and well from Storm Keeper but a few have moved past this storyline to return again in another book. It should be available from and just after the first of the year. Thanks for asking. jhw


  1. It's been a long ride; yet this short, easy to read and understand, "Industrial Manifesto" is almost on the shelves. I created this book to change and challenge our national direction. It's not my usual mystery fiction; it's an easy read, with real solutions to what's ailing our national economy. Spread the word, all the way to the White House.

  2. My latest book is now available @ Amazon and Barnes and Noble Dot Coms: MADE IN AMERICA 2.0 - "10 Big Ideas for Saving the United States of America from Economic Disaster"
